Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                    CONFLICTS STUDY

I'm going to talk about Crooks:
                                                   Crooks was descriminated by everyone because of his skin color, the matter of color will never end. Many black people are asking them selves why they're the only one race hated on earth? and then they answer them selves that if white people let black people enjoy their freedom like how white people are, they think black people will be very powerfull than them and minimise the white race which in no, black people are very friendly I ain't saying all these because I'm recist or coward what I know is tha I'm not racist but I'm telling the story that black people say in the hood and I think it's true

1 comment:

  1. Stopped reading at the flag post. The following line can be found on multiple other sites, word for word. “The black is for Africa. The red is for the blood of all living things in the world. The gold is for all of the treasures in the world that people cherish. The green is for the earth that people walk on, to which Rastas feel a special connection. These colours represent the Rastafari way of life. They were often proudly displayed by Bob Marley, one of the leading people in the rastafarian movement.” Plagiarized from

    A few issues :
    - Only 8/10 posts.
    - Spelling/ grammar issues (ex. thing vs think, “it's as well as set”, run-ons, etc
    - Some posts under the 200 word minimum (ex. Culture post)

    Administrator status will be returned at the end of the semester.
