Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                    CONFLICTS STUDY

I'm going to talk about Crooks:
                                                   Crooks was descriminated by everyone because of his skin color, the matter of color will never end. Many black people are asking them selves why they're the only one race hated on earth? and then they answer them selves that if white people let black people enjoy their freedom like how white people are, they think black people will be very powerfull than them and minimise the white race which in no, black people are very friendly I ain't saying all these because I'm recist or coward what I know is tha I'm not racist but I'm telling the story that black people say in the hood and I think it's true

Saturday, January 23, 2016

                          HAILE SELASSIE ( King of Rastas )

 Haile Selassie I, original name Tafari Makonnen, the son of Ras, some people mixed his name and his dad's name that built up a name Ras + Tafari = Rastafari    (born July 23, 1892, near Harer in Ethiopia and died in  Aug. 27, 1975, in Addis Ababa), emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974 who sought to modernize his country and who steered it into the mainstream of post world war II African politics. He brought Ethiopia into the league of nations and the United nation and made Addis Ababa the major centre for the Organization of African Unity (now African Union).
Tafari was a great-grandson of Haile Selassie of Shewa (Shoa) and a son of Ras (Prince) Makonnen, a chief adviser to Emperor Menilek II. Educated at home by French missionaries, Tafari at an early age favourably impressed the emperor with his intellectual abilities and was promoted accordingly. As governor of Sidamo and then of Harer province, he followed progressive policies, seeking to break the feudal power of the local nobility by increasing the authority of the central government—for example, by developing a salaried civil service. He thereby came to represent politically progressive elements of the population. In 1911 he married Wayzaro Menen, a great-granddaughter of Menilek II.
When Menilek II died in 1913, his grandson Lij Yasu succeeded to the throne, but the latter’s unreliability and his close association with Islam made him unpopular with the majority Christian population of Ethiopia. Tafari became the rallying point of the Christian resistance, and he deposed Lij Yasu in 1916.Zauditu, Menilek II’s daughter, thereupon became empress in 1917, and Ras Tafari was named regent and heir apparent to the throne.
Haile Selassie Drawing

                                                    RASTAFARIAN CULTURE

Around the world, many people ask themselves what Rasta means! And some others thing Rasta means someone with a brutal behavior. But Rastafari is a religion and according to me it's more than a religion, it's as well as set, it's a movement also it's a way of life.
Other people think that Rastafarian is only in Jamaica and they only smoke weed and have dreadlocks but this is very wrong, the truth is Rastafari is a religion created by African ( Ethiopia ) but it was developed in Jamaica and it doesn't if you don't smoke weed or have dreadlocks it's for everybody who believes in Jah__________

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

                                                           Rasta Colors

After  so many years,  Jamaicans were freed from slavery, Bob Marley thought of making a Rasta flag because too many Rastafarians did not think about it for a long time. This flag really makes Rastafarians and Reggae music  known, to have a vibe and is  one great value that makes us remember our hero, Bob Marley.
So, he made a flag and all the colors had a meaning. African savages said: '' Home will always be home!!'' even if you leave home or disappoint your people from your home because of the vibe you have, your vibes will one day disappear, you will suffer until you will think of going back home no matter how hard your home life sucks, you will definitely go back home home. That's why Bob put the black color in the Rastafarian's flag because black represent his root Africa where he came from.
Bob Marley made four colors for this flag but people of hatred always hid one color which is : black.
Here are those four colors : Black, Red, Green, yellow.

The black is for Africa. The red is for the blood of all living things in the world. The gold (Yellow) is for all of the treasures in the world that people cherish. The green is for the earth that people walk on, to which Rastas feel a special connection. These colours represent the Rastafari way of life. They were often proudly displayed by Bob Marley, one of the leading people in the Rastafarian movement.

I know everybody uses it but most of people don't even know the meaning of those colors, and this colors has done a lot for many business such as clothing, music and movies companies.
I'm born Rastafarian and these four colors hold a deeper meaning in my life, because, my dad taught me what those colors mean. When I was young, I knew that the Green, Yellow, Red means the blood shed for the African people, the sunshine of the African land, and the lush greenery of the African continent, and the black for the people of Africa.